91a Sesión de Tes@s en Wi-Fi: Keith Parsons y Peter Mackenzie en vivo

One is Christian, the other is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, one likes to climb rocks and juggle fire, the other likes to cook, neither one of them knew anything about Wi-Fi at one point in their lives, yet, now they both are world known Wi-Fi professionals. In this non-technical 91st session of Tes@s en Wi-Fi [recorded in English] we meet the human behind the genius. Come listen to their stories and obtain great advice about family, work, finance, community, entrepreneurship and more. Mister Keith Parsons from the United States and mister Peter Mackenzie from Great Britain sit down for a session filled with interesting stories and personal questions.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Wi-Fi Brings Life!