201a Sesión de Tesos en Wi-Fi: MFD11 – Ubiquiti Enters the Enterprise Arena

Ubiquiti joins the international “Tesos en Wi-Fi” community to answer questions about Mobility Field Day 11 and to reiterate their commitment to user experience first, license-free hardware, and to a full end-to-end IT solution. In this session, Craig, Tom, and Andrew explain the benefits of attending Mobility Field Day 11 and receiving valuable feedback from experts in the industry as Ubiquiti enters the enterprise market in their quest to provide world class products and services at affordable prices.

Notes from the Chat:
00:37:57 Andrew Pieper: https://design.ui.com

Watch Ubiquiti’s presentation at Mobility Field Day 11 here:

What is Ubiquiti UniFi – Enabling Value-Driven IT Management for Enterprises

Exploring Wi-Fi 7 – Ubiquiti UniFi’s Latest Innovation

An Inside Look at Ubiquiti UniFi’s Software

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Wi-Fi Brings Life!